Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday evening

Hello all,
First of all, we had chicken sandwiches and Taco's for Lunch.
For Dinner we had Pork loin, potatos, carrots.

Tonight we did a troop service project. We unloaded a truck full of wood that will be used to make some camp improvements.
Our "Duty to God" crew attended a 20 minute service.
Many scouts did a clothes inflation swim test that is required for numerous advancements.
Tonight was also the start of the Music merit badge and those scouts not doing any merit badges tonight were treated to a Police K-9 dog demonstration.

They should all be good and tired tonight.

After the mandatory teeth brush check, they will be turning in for a good nights sleep.

Those doing Bird study have a 5:30 AM wake up call for a Bird watching hike.
The Leaders will be treated to a Steak and Eggs breakfast at 6:30AM.

That makes getting up early worth it.

We will send more photos before turning in ourselves.



  1. Can't wait to hear the Dentroux song when Ryan gets home!! Thanks for all the pics Ed. It's great to see what you are all up to. Have fun. Nite, Nite, Love Andrea and Katie

  2. Wow it sounds like a ton of fun. Seeing everyone smiling and having a good time helps the nervous parents. Thanks for the pictures. Hi to Michael from everyone back home. Can't wait to see you all soon. Kathleen and Michael D.

  3. Thanks for all the food updates, Ed. I'ts like having Daniel right here at home.... lol
    The photos are great, and all the info is terrific. Keep up the good work - thanks to all the men for being out there with our boys.
    Hey, is Daniel doing the "Duty to God" program?
